National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Epithelial Systems Biology Laboratory (ESBL)

Vasopressin-Regulated Phosphorylation Sites in Collecting Duct

Brief methods: Our prior studies using quantitative phosphoproteomics have identified phosphorylation changes in cultured mouse mpkCCD cells (PMID: 33346914) and native inner medullary collecting duct cells (PMID: 31313956). Here, we have curated a list of vasopressin regulated phosphoproteins based on a consensus of the two studies. This includes 51 phosphorylation sites in 45 proteins.

This website was created by Euijung Park, Joe Chou, Chin-Rang Yang and Mark Knepper. Contact us with questions or comments: Database updated: November 29, 2021. Please cite: Park et al., 2023, PMID:36264882.

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Gene Symbol Annotaion Rat UniProt No. Rat Mod. Site Mouse UniProt No. Mouse Mod. Site Direction of Change Rat Centralized Sequence Mouse Centralized Sequence  Molecular Function
Agfg1 arf-GAP domain and FG repeat-containing protein 1 Q4KLH5 S181 Q8K2K6 S181 decreased KGTPTQS*PVVGRS KGTPSQS*PVVGRS regulation of GTPase activity
Akap12 A-kinase anchor protein 12 Q5QD51 S469 Q9WTQ5 S467 decreased TQLTDLS*PEEKTL TQLTDLS*PEEKML cyclic AMP dependent signaling
Als2 alsin  P0C5Y8 S486 Q920R0 S486 decreased GLLSQVS*PRLLRK GLLSQVS*PRLLRK regulation of GTPase activity
Aqp2 aquaporin-2 P34080 S261 P56402 S261 decreased QSVELHS*PQSLPR QSVELHS*PQSLPR transmembrane transport
Aqp2 aquaporin-2 P34080 S256 P56402 S256 increased EVRRRQS*VELHSP EVRRRQS*VELHSP transmembrane transport
Arfgef1 brefeldin A-inhibited guanine nucleotide-exchange protein 1 D4A631 S1566 G3X9K3 S1566 decreased DAISQKS*VDIHDS DAISQKS*VDIHDS regulation of GTPase activity
Arhgef2 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2  Q5FVC2 S885 Q60875 S885 increased LDPRRRS*LPAGDA LDPRRRS*LPAGDA regulation of GTPase activity
Bin1 myc box-dependent-interacting protein 1 O08839 S304 O08539 S304 increased SPPPDGS*PAATPE SPPPDGS*PAATPE vesicle-mediated transport
Bloc1s5 biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 subunit 5 B2GV52 S25 Q8R015 S23 increased GGKKRDS*LGTAGA GGKKRDS*LGTPGA vesicle-mediated transport
Borcs6 BLOC-1-related complex subunit 6 Q66H43 S173 Q9D6W8 S173 increased RLQDSRS*LDGLSG RLQDSRS*LDGLSG vesicle-mediated transport
Camkk2 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 O88831 S494 Q8C078 S495 increased TMIRKRS*FGNPFE TMIRKRS*FGNPFE protein phosphorylation
Camkk2 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 O88831 S510 Q8C078 S511 increased REERSLS*APGNLL REERSLS*APGNLL protein phosphorylation
Cdk18 cyclin-dependent kinase 18 O35832 S66 Q04899 S66 increased QNQRRFS*MEDLNK QNQRRFS*MEDLNK protein phosphorylation
Clip1 CAP-Gly domain-containing linker protein 1  Q9JK25 S347 Q922J3 S347 increased RYARKIS*GTTALQ RYARKIS*GTTALQ microtubule cytoskeleton
Ctnnb1 catenin beta-1 Q9WU82 S552 Q02248 S552 increased DTQRRTS*MGGTQQ DTQRRTS*MGGTQQ regulation of transcription
Ctnnb1 catenin beta-1 Q9WU82 T551 Q02248 T551 increased QDTQRRT*SMGGTQ QDTQRRT*SMGGTQ regulation of transcription
Erbb3 receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 Q62799 S980 Q61526 S980 increased LVIKRAS*GPGTPP LVIKRAS*GPGIPP protein phosphorylation
Exoc7 exocyst complex component 7  O54922 S250 O35250 S250 decreased SSGVPYS*PAIPNK SSGVPYS*PAIPNK vesicle-mediated transport
Hdac4 histone deacetylase 4 Q99P99 S245 Q6NZM9 S245 decreased PLRKTAS*EPNLKL PLRKTAS*EPNLKL regulation of transcription
Igsf5 immunoglobulin superfamily member 5  Q5VJ70 S334 Q7TSN7 S335 increased LPEQRSS*LPQQEL PEKRSSS*LPYQEL cell polarity
Itpr1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 P29994 S1589 P11881 S1588 increased NAARRDS*VLAASR NAARRDS*VLAASR calcium signaling
Itpr1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 P29994 S1756 P11881 S1755 increased PSGRRES*LTSFGN PSGRRES*LTSFGN calcium signaling
Itpr2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2 P29995 S1709 Q9Z329 S1709 increased YFKGDHS*VGVNGP YFKGDHS*ISVNGP calcium signaling
Itpr3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 Q63269 S1832 P70227 S1832 increased TKGRVSS*FSMPSS TKGRVSS*FSMPSS calcium signaling
Itsn1 intersectin-1  Q9WVE9 S315 Q9Z0R4 S315 increased RRVRSGS*GMSVIS RRVRSGS*GMSVIS vesicle-mediated transport
Lrrfip1 leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 1 Q66HF9 S88 Q3UZ39 S88 increased TSSRRGS*GDTSIS TSSRRGS*GDTSIS regulation of transcription
Luzp1 leucine zipper protein 1 Q9ESV1 S261 Q8R4U7 S261 increased ESRRKGS*LDYLKQ ESKRKGS*LDYLKQ cell polarity
Mink1 misshapen-like kinase 1 F1LP90 S782 Q9JM52 S746 decreased STKLDSS*PVLSPG STKLDSS*PVLSPG protein phosphorylation
Myo9b unconventional myosin-IXb  Q63358 S1649 Q9QY06 S1647 increased YTGRRKS*ELGAEP YTGRRKS*ELGAEP actin cytoskeleton
Nsfl1c NSFL1 cofactor p47  O35987 S176 Q9CZ44 S176 increased GERRRHS*GQDVHV GERRRHS*GQDVHV vesicle-mediated transport
Pde7a high affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A O08593 S28 P70453 S58 increased ETERRGS*HPYIDF ETERRGS*HPYIDF cyclic AMP dependent signaling
Pdlim5 PDZ and LIM domain protein 5 isoform ENH3a Q62920 S111 Q8CI51 S111 decreased KPVPITS*PAVSKV KPVPITS*PAVSKV actin cytoskeleton
Pi4kb phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta  O08561 S511 Q8BKC8 S511 increased DIRRRLS*EQLAHT DIRRRLS*EQLAHT calcium signaling
Prkar2a cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit P12368 S97 P12367 S96 decreased KFTRRVS*VCAETF KFTRRVS*VCAETF cyclic AMP dependent signaling
Prrc2a protein PRRC2A Q6MG48 S455 Q7TSC1 S454 increased RQRRKQS*SSEISL RQRRKQS*SSEISL RNA processing
Prrc2a protein PRRC2A Q6MG48 T783 Q7TSC1 T782 decreased LLRERGT*PPVDPK LLRERGT*PPVDPK RNA processing
Ralgapa2 ral GTPase-activating protein subunit alpha-2 P86411 S820 A3KGS3 S820 decreased LVRRSSS*PAELDL LVRRSSS*PAELEL regulation of GTPase activity
Rmdn3 regulator of microtubule dynamics protein 3 Q66H15 S46 Q3UJU9 S46 increased RHGRSQS*LPNSLD RHGRSHS*LPNSLD microtubule cytoskeleton
Sec22b vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b Q4KM74 S137 O08547 S137 increased ARRNLGS*INTELQ ARRNLGS*INTELQ vesicle-mediated transport
Sept9 septin-9 Q9QZR6 T125 Q80UG5 T143 decreased EVLGHKT*PEPVPR EVLGHKT*PEPVPR cell polarity
Slc9a3r1 Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 Q9JJ19 S277 P70441 S275 decreased VEPASES*PRPALA VEPASES*PRPALA cell polarity
Specc1l cytospin-A  Q2KN99 S385 Q2KN98 S385 increased ERSRKGS*SGNASE ERSRKGS*SGNASE actin cytoskeleton
Specc1l cytospin-A Q2KN99 S833 Q2KN98 S833 increased GLSRRSS*TSSEPT GLSRRSS*TSSEPT actin cytoskeleton
Src neuronal proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src Q9WUD9 S17 P05480 S17 increased ASQRRRS*LEPAEN ASQRRRS*LEPSEN protein phosphorylation
Stim1 stromal interaction molecule 1 isoform 2 P84903 S575 P70302 S575 decreased VEKLPDS*PALAKK VEKLPDS*PALAKK calcium signaling
Stxbp5 syntaxin-binding protein 5 Q9WU70 S760 Q8K400 S760 increased KMSRKLS*LPTDLK KMSRKLS*LPTDLK vesicle-mediated transport
Tanc1 protein TANC1 Q6F6B3 S1658 Q0VGY8 S1665 decreased SSGSSGS*PSSSVK SSGSSGS*PSSSIK cell polarity
Tsc22d4 TSC22 domain family protein 4  Q3B8N7 T223 Q9EQN3 T223 decreased GGLAAGT*PPLSRR GGSAAAT*PPLSRR regulation of transcription
Veph1 ventricular zone-expressed PH domain-containing protein 1 Q5PQS3 S430 A1A535 S430 increased GSVRRYS*LDHVSK GSGRRYS*LDHISK regulation of transcription
Wdr7 WD repeat-containing protein 7  Q9ERH3 S935 Q920I9 S935 decreased LSKARDS*PPASSN LSKARDS*PPPSSN vesicle-mediated transport
Zfp36l1 mRNA decay activator protein ZFP36L1 P17431 S54 P23950 S54 increased GFPRRHS*VTLPSS GFPRRHS*VTLPSS RNA processing