Brief methods: Our prior studies using quantitative phosphoproteomics have identified phosphorylation changes in cultured mouse mpkCCD cells (PMID: 33346914) and native inner medullary collecting duct cells (PMID: 31313956). Here, we have curated a list of vasopressin regulated phosphoproteins based on a consensus of the two studies. This includes 51 phosphorylation sites in 45 proteins.
This website was created by Euijung Park, Joe Chou, Chin-Rang Yang and Mark Knepper. Contact us with questions or comments: Database updated: November 29, 2021. Please cite: Park et al., 2023, PMID:36264882.
Gene Symbol | Annotaion | Rat UniProt No. | Rat Mod. Site | Mouse UniProt No. | Mouse Mod. Site | Direction of Change | Rat Centralized Sequence | Mouse Centralized Sequence | Molecular Function |
Agfg1 | arf-GAP domain and FG repeat-containing protein 1 | Q4KLH5 | S181 | Q8K2K6 | S181 | decreased | KGTPTQS*PVVGRS | KGTPSQS*PVVGRS | regulation of GTPase activity |
Akap12 | A-kinase anchor protein 12 | Q5QD51 | S469 | Q9WTQ5 | S467 | decreased | TQLTDLS*PEEKTL | TQLTDLS*PEEKML | cyclic AMP dependent signaling |
Als2 | alsin | P0C5Y8 | S486 | Q920R0 | S486 | decreased | GLLSQVS*PRLLRK | GLLSQVS*PRLLRK | regulation of GTPase activity |
Aqp2 | aquaporin-2 | P34080 | S261 | P56402 | S261 | decreased | QSVELHS*PQSLPR | QSVELHS*PQSLPR | transmembrane transport |
Aqp2 | aquaporin-2 | P34080 | S256 | P56402 | S256 | increased | EVRRRQS*VELHSP | EVRRRQS*VELHSP | transmembrane transport |
Arfgef1 | brefeldin A-inhibited guanine nucleotide-exchange protein 1 | D4A631 | S1566 | G3X9K3 | S1566 | decreased | DAISQKS*VDIHDS | DAISQKS*VDIHDS | regulation of GTPase activity |
Arhgef2 | rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 | Q5FVC2 | S885 | Q60875 | S885 | increased | LDPRRRS*LPAGDA | LDPRRRS*LPAGDA | regulation of GTPase activity |
Bin1 | myc box-dependent-interacting protein 1 | O08839 | S304 | O08539 | S304 | increased | SPPPDGS*PAATPE | SPPPDGS*PAATPE | vesicle-mediated transport |
Bloc1s5 | biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 subunit 5 | B2GV52 | S25 | Q8R015 | S23 | increased | GGKKRDS*LGTAGA | GGKKRDS*LGTPGA | vesicle-mediated transport |
Borcs6 | BLOC-1-related complex subunit 6 | Q66H43 | S173 | Q9D6W8 | S173 | increased | RLQDSRS*LDGLSG | RLQDSRS*LDGLSG | vesicle-mediated transport |
Camkk2 | calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 | O88831 | S494 | Q8C078 | S495 | increased | TMIRKRS*FGNPFE | TMIRKRS*FGNPFE | protein phosphorylation |
Camkk2 | calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 | O88831 | S510 | Q8C078 | S511 | increased | REERSLS*APGNLL | REERSLS*APGNLL | protein phosphorylation |
Cdk18 | cyclin-dependent kinase 18 | O35832 | S66 | Q04899 | S66 | increased | QNQRRFS*MEDLNK | QNQRRFS*MEDLNK | protein phosphorylation |
Clip1 | CAP-Gly domain-containing linker protein 1 | Q9JK25 | S347 | Q922J3 | S347 | increased | RYARKIS*GTTALQ | RYARKIS*GTTALQ | microtubule cytoskeleton |
Ctnnb1 | catenin beta-1 | Q9WU82 | S552 | Q02248 | S552 | increased | DTQRRTS*MGGTQQ | DTQRRTS*MGGTQQ | regulation of transcription |
Ctnnb1 | catenin beta-1 | Q9WU82 | T551 | Q02248 | T551 | increased | QDTQRRT*SMGGTQ | QDTQRRT*SMGGTQ | regulation of transcription |
Erbb3 | receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 | Q62799 | S980 | Q61526 | S980 | increased | LVIKRAS*GPGTPP | LVIKRAS*GPGIPP | protein phosphorylation |
Exoc7 | exocyst complex component 7 | O54922 | S250 | O35250 | S250 | decreased | SSGVPYS*PAIPNK | SSGVPYS*PAIPNK | vesicle-mediated transport |
Hdac4 | histone deacetylase 4 | Q99P99 | S245 | Q6NZM9 | S245 | decreased | PLRKTAS*EPNLKL | PLRKTAS*EPNLKL | regulation of transcription |
Igsf5 | immunoglobulin superfamily member 5 | Q5VJ70 | S334 | Q7TSN7 | S335 | increased | LPEQRSS*LPQQEL | PEKRSSS*LPYQEL | cell polarity |
Itpr1 | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 | P29994 | S1589 | P11881 | S1588 | increased | NAARRDS*VLAASR | NAARRDS*VLAASR | calcium signaling |
Itpr1 | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 | P29994 | S1756 | P11881 | S1755 | increased | PSGRRES*LTSFGN | PSGRRES*LTSFGN | calcium signaling |
Itpr2 | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2 | P29995 | S1709 | Q9Z329 | S1709 | increased | YFKGDHS*VGVNGP | YFKGDHS*ISVNGP | calcium signaling |
Itpr3 | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 | Q63269 | S1832 | P70227 | S1832 | increased | TKGRVSS*FSMPSS | TKGRVSS*FSMPSS | calcium signaling |
Itsn1 | intersectin-1 | Q9WVE9 | S315 | Q9Z0R4 | S315 | increased | RRVRSGS*GMSVIS | RRVRSGS*GMSVIS | vesicle-mediated transport |
Lrrfip1 | leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 1 | Q66HF9 | S88 | Q3UZ39 | S88 | increased | TSSRRGS*GDTSIS | TSSRRGS*GDTSIS | regulation of transcription |
Luzp1 | leucine zipper protein 1 | Q9ESV1 | S261 | Q8R4U7 | S261 | increased | ESRRKGS*LDYLKQ | ESKRKGS*LDYLKQ | cell polarity |
Mink1 | misshapen-like kinase 1 | F1LP90 | S782 | Q9JM52 | S746 | decreased | STKLDSS*PVLSPG | STKLDSS*PVLSPG | protein phosphorylation |
Myo9b | unconventional myosin-IXb | Q63358 | S1649 | Q9QY06 | S1647 | increased | YTGRRKS*ELGAEP | YTGRRKS*ELGAEP | actin cytoskeleton |
Nsfl1c | NSFL1 cofactor p47 | O35987 | S176 | Q9CZ44 | S176 | increased | GERRRHS*GQDVHV | GERRRHS*GQDVHV | vesicle-mediated transport |
Pde7a | high affinity cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 7A | O08593 | S28 | P70453 | S58 | increased | ETERRGS*HPYIDF | ETERRGS*HPYIDF | cyclic AMP dependent signaling |
Pdlim5 | PDZ and LIM domain protein 5 isoform ENH3a | Q62920 | S111 | Q8CI51 | S111 | decreased | KPVPITS*PAVSKV | KPVPITS*PAVSKV | actin cytoskeleton |
Pi4kb | phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta | O08561 | S511 | Q8BKC8 | S511 | increased | DIRRRLS*EQLAHT | DIRRRLS*EQLAHT | calcium signaling |
Prkar2a | cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit | P12368 | S97 | P12367 | S96 | decreased | KFTRRVS*VCAETF | KFTRRVS*VCAETF | cyclic AMP dependent signaling |
Prrc2a | protein PRRC2A | Q6MG48 | S455 | Q7TSC1 | S454 | increased | RQRRKQS*SSEISL | RQRRKQS*SSEISL | RNA processing |
Prrc2a | protein PRRC2A | Q6MG48 | T783 | Q7TSC1 | T782 | decreased | LLRERGT*PPVDPK | LLRERGT*PPVDPK | RNA processing |
Ralgapa2 | ral GTPase-activating protein subunit alpha-2 | P86411 | S820 | A3KGS3 | S820 | decreased | LVRRSSS*PAELDL | LVRRSSS*PAELEL | regulation of GTPase activity |
Rmdn3 | regulator of microtubule dynamics protein 3 | Q66H15 | S46 | Q3UJU9 | S46 | increased | RHGRSQS*LPNSLD | RHGRSHS*LPNSLD | microtubule cytoskeleton |
Sec22b | vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b | Q4KM74 | S137 | O08547 | S137 | increased | ARRNLGS*INTELQ | ARRNLGS*INTELQ | vesicle-mediated transport |
Sept9 | septin-9 | Q9QZR6 | T125 | Q80UG5 | T143 | decreased | EVLGHKT*PEPVPR | EVLGHKT*PEPVPR | cell polarity |
Slc9a3r1 | Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 | Q9JJ19 | S277 | P70441 | S275 | decreased | VEPASES*PRPALA | VEPASES*PRPALA | cell polarity |
Specc1l | cytospin-A | Q2KN99 | S385 | Q2KN98 | S385 | increased | ERSRKGS*SGNASE | ERSRKGS*SGNASE | actin cytoskeleton |
Specc1l | cytospin-A | Q2KN99 | S833 | Q2KN98 | S833 | increased | GLSRRSS*TSSEPT | GLSRRSS*TSSEPT | actin cytoskeleton |
Src | neuronal proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src | Q9WUD9 | S17 | P05480 | S17 | increased | ASQRRRS*LEPAEN | ASQRRRS*LEPSEN | protein phosphorylation |
Stim1 | stromal interaction molecule 1 isoform 2 | P84903 | S575 | P70302 | S575 | decreased | VEKLPDS*PALAKK | VEKLPDS*PALAKK | calcium signaling |
Stxbp5 | syntaxin-binding protein 5 | Q9WU70 | S760 | Q8K400 | S760 | increased | KMSRKLS*LPTDLK | KMSRKLS*LPTDLK | vesicle-mediated transport |
Tanc1 | protein TANC1 | Q6F6B3 | S1658 | Q0VGY8 | S1665 | decreased | SSGSSGS*PSSSVK | SSGSSGS*PSSSIK | cell polarity |
Tsc22d4 | TSC22 domain family protein 4 | Q3B8N7 | T223 | Q9EQN3 | T223 | decreased | GGLAAGT*PPLSRR | GGSAAAT*PPLSRR | regulation of transcription |
Veph1 | ventricular zone-expressed PH domain-containing protein 1 | Q5PQS3 | S430 | A1A535 | S430 | increased | GSVRRYS*LDHVSK | GSGRRYS*LDHISK | regulation of transcription |
Wdr7 | WD repeat-containing protein 7 | Q9ERH3 | S935 | Q920I9 | S935 | decreased | LSKARDS*PPASSN | LSKARDS*PPPSSN | vesicle-mediated transport |
Zfp36l1 | mRNA decay activator protein ZFP36L1 | P17431 | S54 | P23950 | S54 | increased | GFPRRHS*VTLPSS | GFPRRHS*VTLPSS | RNA processing |