Transcriptomes of Major Proximal Tubule Cell Culture Models Used in Kidney Research

This database allows for researchers to compare gene expression profiles between lines.

Brief Method: Cells were grown with media standard for each cell line (see manuscript). In all cases, cells were grown on permeable supports (Corning Transwell, CLS3450) and had reached confluence at the time of RNA isolation. The SMARTer V4 Ultra Low RNA Kit (Clontech) was used to construct cDNA using 10 ng total RNA. 1 ng of the resulting cDNA was “tagmented” and barcoded by using a Nextera XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina) to generate sequencing libraries for large-scale sequencing (Illumina HiSeq 3000) .

Contact: This website was created by Lihe Chen, Syed Jalal Khundmiri, and Mark A. Knepper. Please contact: .
