National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Epithelial Systems Biology Laboratory (ESBL)

Kidney Transcriptomic Data

RNA-Seq Analysis: Microdissected Renal Tubule Segments

Transcriptomes of All 14 Renal Tubule Segments (Mouse)
Transcriptomes of All 14 Renal Tubule Segments (Mouse), Genome Browser View
Transcriptomes of All 14 Renal Tubule Segments (Rat)
Sex Differences in Mouse Renal Proximal Tubule Subsegments (RNA-Seq)
Circadian Variation in Mouse Renal Proximal Tubule Subsegments (RNA-Seq)

Targeted Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis

Transcriptomes of Collecting Duct Principal Cells and Intercalated Cells in Mouse
Transcriptomes of DCT, TAL and Macula Densa Cells in Mouse

RNA-Seq Analysis: Whole Mouse Kidney

Whole Mouse Kidney Transcriptome (RNA-Seq)
Cell Type Specific Markers in Whole Mouse Kidney (RNA-Seq)

RNA-Seq Analysis: Mouse mpkCCD Cells

Vasopressin Effect on Transcriptome of mpkCCD Cells (RNA-Seq)
Transcriptome of mpkCCD: Time-course response to vasopressin
RNA-Seq in mpkCCD Cells: Deletion of PKA Catalytic Genes

Single Tubule RNA-Seq Analysis: Water Balance Disorders

Rat CCDs in SIADH: Vasopressin Escape (RNA-Seq)
Lithium Induced NDI: RNA-Seq in Microdissected Rat CCDs
Lithium Induced NDI: RNA-Seq in Microdissected Rat cTALs
Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Induced Polyuria: RNA-Seq in Microdissected Rat CCDs
Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Induced Polyuria: RNA-Seq in Microdissected Rat cTALs
LPS Induced Polyuria: RNA-Seq in Microdissected Rat CCDs

Miscellaneous Transcriptomic Data Sets

Solute Carrier (SLC) Transcript Expression along the Mouse Renal Tubule
G-Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) Transcript Expression along the Mouse Renal Tubule
Subsets: RNA-seq Analysis of Microdissected Rat Kidney Tubule Segments
RNA-Seq of Microdissected Glomeruli (Rat)
RNA-Seq of Microdissected Glomeruli (Mouse)
Transcriptomes of Major Proximal Tubule Cell Culture Models Used in Kidney Research
Transcriptome of Cultured OK Cells Compared with Native Mouse S1 Proximal Tubule
RNA-Seq Analysis of Shear Stress-Induced Differentiation of OK Cells in Culture
Transcriptomes of All 14 Mouse Renal Tubule Segments (Alternate site, loads slowly)

RNA-Seq of Flow-Sorted Mouse Podocytes (Kann et al.)
COPAS-Sorted DCT1 Cells (Pvalb-GFP) (de Baaij et al.)
Flow Sorted Mouse Connecting Tubule Cells: Effect of Aldosterone (Poulsen et al.)
Flow-Sorted Mouse Renal Principal Cells (Schwaderer Lab)
Flow-Sorted Mouse Renal Intercalated Cells (Schwaderer Lab)
Transcriptome of Cultured Mouse IMCD3 Cells (Igarashi Lab)

Mouse Nephron: SAGE Data (Cheval et al.)

Mouse Renal Inner Medulla: Response to Vasopressin (Brooks Lab)

Vasopressin-Regulated Transcripts in mpkCCD: SAGE (Robert-Nicoud et al.)

Subsets: RNA-seq Analysis of Microdissected Rat Kidney Tubule Segments

Legacy Affymetrix Arrays: Kidney Cells

Rat Proximal Tubule Database with BLAST

Rat Thick Ascending Limb Database with BLAST

Rat Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Database with BLAST

Mouse mpkCCD Transcriptome Database with BLAST