Supplementary Material


Signaling Processes that Initiate Lithium-Induced Polyuria


Chih-Chien Sung1, 2*, Lihe Chen1*, Kavee Limbutara1*, Hyun Jun Jung1, Gabrielle G. Gilmer1, Chin-Rang Yang1, Sookkasem Khositseth1,3, Shih-Hua Lin2, Chung-Lin Chou1, and Mark A. Knepper1



Click on the Following:

Supplementary Dataset 1: Intrinsic variability RNA-Seq method (control vs. control comparison) in the CCD

Supplementary Dataset 2: Full list of transcripts from CCD and summary of observed changes

Supplementary Dataset 3: Full list of transcripts from cTAL and summary of observed changes

Supplementary Dataset 4: Chi-square analysis for overrepresented signaling pathways

Supplementary Dataset 5: Time course of transcript changes after adding LiCl to diet

Supplementary Dataset 6: Proteomic analysis


Supplementary Figure 1: RNA-Seq Quality Control

Supplementary Figure 2: How cell counting was performed

Supplementary Figure 3: Primer sequences for RT-qPCR



Webpage created by Gabrielle Gilmer and Mark Knepper in the Epithelial Systems Biology Laboratory (Mark Knepper, Chief) at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute as part of its Kidney Systems Biology Project. (July 2018)